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Meet Marketing Strategy Consultant Jen McFarland

Isn't It Time to Find Joy in Marketing Your Business?

Jen McFarland, Women Conquer Business
Jen McFarland, Women Conquer Business

👋 I’m Jen McFarland.

I’m the Founder of Women Conquer Business. We help businesses make exceptional marketing decisions with courses, coaching, and content.

Our focus is on small businesses. Why? Because it’s harder to get high-quality marketing support and information (read our Manifesto).

We provide marketing training and mentorship to Xcelerate Women and the Small Business Administration. It's also offered inside our solopreneur marketing membership.

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A little more about me

I’m an MPA with over 25 years of training, teaching, and executive experience in leadership, project management, and digital marketing.

In a previous life, I led large-scale public sector projects for the City of Portland, affecting more than 50,000 businesses and handling millions of dollars. (... BTW, I also boosted web traffic by over 250% by finally focusing a government website on the people it serves.)

But today, I pour my heart and soul into Women Conquer Business marketing consultancy and my new initiative, an online community for service business owners who need support marketing their business.

I am 100% THAT marketing tech nerd who just plain loves helping people solve their hairiest problems.

In summary: I am an uber-nerd who loves dad jokes and helping leaders find more joy in their work.

I am approachable, I am a goofball, and I swear on my right eyeball that I will NEVER get judgy or sanctimonious on you. No matter how “simple” your issue may be, or how long you’ve struggled to conquer it.

Traffic is up and leads are stronger than ever.

Jeri Alcock, Rose City Philanthropy

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How Does This Work?

I see myself as a teacher, leader, and visionary for the small business community (I talk about it all the time). This means I’ve made it my business to help entrepreneurs simplify and systematize their marketing.

I do this through:

Although I will leverage my extensive knowledge of marketing software, systems, and processes to support you, I’ll NEVER insist, dictate, or enforce. I see every client engagement as an exercise in co-creation. Seriously. You are the business owner, and I want to teach you how to amplify your work in the best and easiest way possible.

Jen's humble yet clear approach gives you and your team complete confidence that you are in safe hands with the precious asset of your marketing engine.

Sunil Bhaskaran, Founder, Global Business Communities

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Why Should I Trust You, Jen?

Because my only agenda is to set you up with a seamless back-end marketing organization so you can market your business more efficiently and effectively.

Because I can see 15 steps ahead, a superpower that allows me to understand your vision and creative ways to market your services.

Because I am honest to a fault. I won’t B.S. you. It’s just not in my nature.

Because everything I do is bespoke. I will never give you cookie-cutter advice.

Because I love nothing more than untangling tech knots so my clients can dream bigger and do more.

Because I’m funny and patient and kind.

Because I’m a solution-builder who focuses on WHAT WORKS.

Jen McFarland Portland Pickles baseball game
I đź’™ baseball. Here's my husband and I enjoying a Portland Pickles baseball game.

Professional & Local Organizations

If you’re like me, you’re curious how I stay current with best practices. Here are a few of the industry professional organizations I belong to:

American Marketing Association

SEMpdx (Search Engine Marketing Association of Portland)

I am also an avid supporter of local Portland small businesses. Here are a few of the local small business organizations where I am a member:

Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs

Oregon Entrepreneurs Network

I give back to the community by offering services at a discounted rate to:

Consultant, the digital marketing program for Prosper Portland's Inclusive Business Resource Network and Mercatus

Marketing coach, Xcelerate Women