#MeToo Impact on Businesses: Is It Changing Corporate Cultures?
What gets lost about the #MeToo Movement is the power those two words have for people who’ve experienced sexual violence.
Jen runs a digital marketing consultancy for service businesses. She uses data-driven insights to help you get more perfect-fit leads through consulting and an online, community marketing group.
What gets lost about the #MeToo Movement is the power those two words have for people who’ve experienced sexual violence.
Perfectionism means you don’t want to do anything unless you do it the right way. In business not doing anything is incredibly ineffective.
Get ready for an honest discussion of what it’s like to be working from all kinds of remote areas. You’ll learn the twists and turns and how vital it is to set your priorities and be grounded in your values — and then hold yourself to it.
Jen discusses the power of curiosity in business and why perfectionism is a doctrine you need to lose if you really want to move your ideas forward.
Jen visits with Katie Collins to discuss the sales fears and obstacles that prevent women entrepreneurs from getting the best clients.
Fabulous insights from Benjamin Dell, Founder, MissingLettr, about launching great business ideas quickly, and why you need to promote blog posts more than a couple of times.
Being always busy doesn’t mean your productivity in business or work is increasing. Ugh! Here's how to stop confusing busy-ness and productivity.
Sally is obsessed with productive leadership. We learn why it’s important to have a magnet in our heart, a compass in our head, and an oxygen mask as a reminder.
How do we navigate the truth in a post-truth world? Here's why truth in business is not only your superpower but critical to success.
Jen shares how she quit her job to start her business and why she is so passionate about helping businesses owned by women.
Discussion of truth in business in a ‘post-truth’ world, and woman-owned business advantages, including its positive impact on the economy and hiring.
Power is a beautiful and attractive thing when we reframe it.