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Marketing Roundup: August 2022

Keep your cold emails and newsletters out of spam, marketing trends among people under 30, and more recent marketing news.

Spiral marketing roundup
mailbox on a fence
Photo by Natalia Łyczko / Unsplash

Keep Your Email Newsletter Out of Spam

Rather than writing a new article about keeping your newsletters out of spam and promotions, I suggest reading "How to increase the open rates of your email newsletter," by Ghost.

The only thing I'd add is if you have a brand-new email address, if you use it to send cold emails, or if your messages continue to land in spam, consider using a warmup inbox service (I use Warmup Inbox) to boost delivery rates.

smiling teenager wearing a hat
Photo by Charles Postiaux / Unsplash

Teens & Social Media: What It Tells Us

There's a sea change happening right under our noses.

Do you use Google search? You're probably over 30.

Do you get your news from TikTok and Reddit? You're probably under 30.

The Pew Research Center released a report called "Teens, Social Media and Technology 2022." I trust Pew because they've researched social media use for ... well, since the beginning.

The report shows a dramatic decline in Facebook use among teens. Not surprising, given Facebook's nothing like TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat.

We used to say everyone was on Facebook. That's no longer true. (... but everyone is on YouTube.)

Pay attention to this even if you don't work with people under 30.

If your marketing loses effectiveness, you may be on the wrong social media channel.

Marketing How-tos Videos & Podcasts

Smash the reply button and let us know what you want to learn or questions you'd like us to cover.

We've just kicked off a new E-commerce series. Since the pandemic, E-commerce is no longer optional (for product-based and service-based businesses alike).

In the coming weeks, we'll discuss the best tools and strategies for taking your products and ideas and selling them online.

Catch us live every Thursday at 10 AM Pacific on YouTube, with the podcast released Friday mornings.

E-commerce Beginner's Guide: Learn to create your first e-commerce strategy based on your offer: physical products, digital products, online services, or a hybrid.

Recession-Proof Your Business with Multiple Revenue Streams: Want a recession-proof business? Learn about passive and active revenue streams and how to open up new pathways to earning income.

Podcast Guesting: Be a Great Guest: Shelley gives us the scoop on how to find and reach out to podcast hosts. Learn how to be a great guest, find the RIGHT podcasters to collaborate with, and why promotion is the key to success.

Content Creator Collaboration for Audience Growth: Learn how content creator collaborations like cross-promotions and podcast interviews help you grow your audience.

💌 That's a wrap.

You enjoyed this, please share it (links below).

You have a question or comment (or want to say hi!), hit reply.

See you again next week.

Have a great day,

Jen McFarland, CEO
Women Conquer Business

P.S. Here's how Women Conquer Business can help you:

  1. Join the Strategic Marketing Membership because DIY marketing is hard — this supportive group helps you set your goals, get support, and dedicate time to work.
  2. Marketing Coaching, confidence-boosting guidance with a patient teacher, action-oriented goal-setting, and accountability in a safe, confidential space.
  3. Get a Marketing Blueprint to position your business for future growth.
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