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Media Appearances

Podcast Guest Appearances, Articles & Media Mentions

Jen McFarland, CEO & Principal, Women Conquer Business

I’d love to be your podcast guest, speak at your event, or write a guest piece for your publication.

Speaking Engagements: Planning a conference, leadership training, strategic team retreat, or another event? I’d love to liven things up with an inspiring presentation. Contact me about speaking at your event.

Podcasters, guest appearances & blog opportunities, and other media outlets: I’d LOVE to be on your podcast or broadcast. Please contact me to set up an interview or other media opportunity.

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Podcast Interviews

Listen to episodes, or read about these amazing podcasters.

Podcast Interviews

Behind Their Business Podcast

A Journey from the Peace Corps to Accidental Entrepreneur with Jen McFarland. Becoming an 'accidental entrepreneur' isn't something that's uncommon in the entrepreneurial space. We start out on one path and find that it leads us down a road that we would have never realized was possible or available to us. In this episode, our guest, Jen McFarland shares her experience (& tons of hilarious stories) of starting out on one path in the Peace Corps and how that turned into the business she has today.

Behind Their Business

Jen shares her journey from Peace Corps to Grad School to Executive to 'accidental entrepreneur in this fun interview.

Talk Commerce

Entrepreneurial Empathy with Jen McFarland
Will your employee go a little further when times are tough? Jen McFarland talks about entrepreneurship, marketing, and living in Kazakhstan.

Talk Commerce Podcast

Entrepreneurial Empathy with Jen McFarland. Will your employee go a little further when times are tough? Jen McFarland talks about entrepreneurship, marketing, and living in Kazakhstan. Listen for the size 45 clown shoes. Are they European sizes, US sizes, or clown sizes? Mentorship, empathy, marketing, and NOT being a hater! Whether you're an entrepreneur, employer, or employee, this episode is for you.

Tactus Media Podcast

Streamlining Marketing Processes with Jen McFarland. If you're struggling to balance digital marketing with running your business, Jen has your back. Jen specializes in assisting entrepreneurs and small business owners to streamline their marketing strategies and processes.

The Launch Squad

Ep 70 Overcoming Technology Decision Fatigue with Jen McFarland - The Launch Squad
In this episode, we’re talking about that decision fatigue we all get when trying to choose the RIGHT technology on which to build our business

Fun podcast appearance on Lighten Your Launch with Katie Collins and Jeffrey Samorano.

Overcoming Technology Decision Fatigue with Jen McFarland: In this episode, we’re talking about that decision fatigue we all get when trying to choose the RIGHT technology on which to build our business and how to overcome the overwhelm when it comes to making informed decisions about tech

Launch with Words

Don't know what to write? Take a stand. (Jen McFarland): How do you start writing if you keep staring at a blank page? Are you in your own way? Bridget Willard interviews marketer and coach Jen McFarland for an insightful conversation on why small businesses should put their audience first with their website content.

Messages & Methods: Livecast Life 2.0

Automation Tips & Tools for Online Entrepreneurs with Jen McFarland: Watch this episode on YouTube

Advising Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders With Jen McFarland

Fabulous conversations about life, business, Peace Corps, and automating your business. Shelly and Toby are wonderful storytellers and it was a joy to be on their show (twice!).

eCommerce Marketing Podcast

Building Out Your eCommerce Tech Stack – with Jen McFarland: we talked specifically about how to build out your eCommerce tech stack, or all of the programs you need in order to take payments seamlessly for your business, including the foundational, behind-the-scenes pieces every business needs to support online transactions (website, shopping cart, your marketing tools, the integrations between these, etc.). Learn how to build out your backend systems to run a successful eCommerce business.

Leadership Junkies

Episode 117 - Jen McFarland | Embracing Technology to Grow Your Business and Your Impact - Leadership Junkies Podcast
Ready to make tech your best friend? Jen McFarland shares how to make marketing tech work FOR your business and you, not the other way around.

Leadership Junkies Podcast

Embracing Technology to Grow Your Business and Your Impact: Are you confused by technology? Are you trying to figure out digital marketing for your business? Are you looking for ideas to help your business and operations run more smoothly and effectively? Do you want to amp up your impact? Our special guest Jen McFarland answers these and other questions about technology, AI, and digital marketing.

The Pricing Lady

Pricing When Your Offer Isn’t the “Magic Pill”: Pricing your offer is a challenge under “normal” circumstances, but what if your offer isn’t like the “magic pills” everyone else is offering? It’s not that it’s not valuable it just doesn’t have that “sexiness” that other offers do. I shared my pricing journey; how I’ve gone about pricing my offer. I also confess I was charging way too little and learned the hard way about the pitfalls of charging by the hour. If you’re trading time for money or if your offer isn’t the coolest thing on the block, then you’ll want to watch this interview.

The Mitch Gray Show

Let’s Slay Your Marketing Tech Overwhelm w/ Jen McFarland
Jen McFarland created Women Conquer Business because she is deeply passionate about supporting women and nonbinary founders, business owners, and entrepreneurs like you … and because she knows that many of you find marketing software, systems, and processes deeply overwhelming. You want to spend y…

The Mitch Grey Show Podcast

Let’s Slay Your Marketing Tech Overwhelm with Jen McFarland: Jen and Mitch talk about life and leadership along with marketing. “A lot of technology is about making a vision come true, but that’s really what the beauty of technology can be. That’s why so many people, I think it’s magic. What you need in the beginning is somebody to say, just tell me what you want to do. I’ll see if I can make it happen for you. And that’s the essence of what an empathetic tech translator is. It’s not stopping the person and saying, well, you didn’t use the right word. It’s not explaining what technology is and what it can do. It’s actually listening to the vision and then taking it back and either working on it yourself or working with another person who will be implementing it.”

Calling on You with Adam Webber

Jen: Flying through Fear: Today Jen called in to share her fear of heights. We spoke about how in college Jen was inspired to join the Peace Corps and this driving inspiration was a force that made challenging fears worthwhile.

Vagina Talks with Sophia Wise One

079 Working Easier Together with Jen McFarland
Hi darlings! This episode was recorded a few months ago, and yet feels right on time as we release it today. So much of what Sophia and her brilliant gu…

Vagina Talks Podcast

Working Easier Together with Jen McFarland: The tides are turning in America. Direct change is coming from our diligence, practice, and care. As we look to the future and the immense amount of work ahead of us, Jen is here to teach us ways of working smarter so we can arrive.

Get The Balance Right

Work Smarter – Achieve Your Goals the Correct Way with Guest Jen McFarland: On this podcast, you’ll learn the truth that despite strategy and tenacity, working hard is not necessarily enough to achieve your goals. You’ll also get insights on why you want to take a step back before starting SMART goals and how execution is really the key to success.

Wealth Tactic Rebels

Avoid These 5 Common Business Mistakes: Did you know that businesses, no matter how big or small, experience similar obstacles as they move from idea to goals to finishing a project? Join host Kevin Dumont and guest expert Jen McFarland in rooting out 5 common mistakes many business owners make and how to solve them.

Precious the Foodie

White Privilege & Mac and Cheese Paninis: We talk about white privilege and allyship. Also, as restaurants begin to open we’ll discuss if mom and pop’s are doomed or will they be able to rise from the ashes, post COVID-19. Plus, great eats around Portland.

#365Firsts Podcast

Expert Advice Before Time Volunteering for the Peace Corps: Our guest for this episode, Jen McFarland, had some wonderful insights to share about the Peace Corps and provided us with some great information for potential first-time volunteers.

One Big Tip

E34 - Jen McFarland / Founder, Women Conquer Business
Many small businesses run into a wall when launching an initial digital marketing campaign. By following Jen McFarland’s three main pillars for approaching marketing, you can make the most of every dollar you spend and help your business grow.

One Big Tip Podcast

Jen McFarland, Founder, Women Conquer Business: What we have oftentimes among entrepreneurs and small businesses is a disconnect. And then that’s what causes things like mission drift, where you’re working on something that’s really not connected to what is core to your business.

Key Conversations for Leaders

Building and Climbing the Right Mountain with Jen McFarland – John Ryan Leadership

Key Conversations for Leaders Podcast

Building & Climbing the Right Mountain with Jen McFarland: The importance of strategic alignment when planning strategic business initiatives.

Women In Business

The Importance of Strategic Planning For Capital Raising: Why it’s important to plan even when you don’t have all of details. In fact, why that’s essential — especially if you’re raising capital.

Audacious Leaders

Audacious Leaders Podcast - The Crazy Simple Sweet Spot to Reach Your Goals with Jen McFarland
Once you know what your goals are, how do you go about achieving them? It’s important to recognize that sense of overwhelm. Maybe you’re solving the wrong problem, says our guest this week, Jen McFarland - a professional problem-solver with the unique ability to help business owners look at issues…

Audacious Leaders Podcast

The Crazy-Simple Sweet Spot to Reach Your Goals: Sometimes it’s around clarifying the goals with consistency, knowing your capacity, aiming for legacy, and staying on track are the sweet spot of success.

The Growing Your Team

Ep18 - Why Grateful Leaders Have Better Businesses with Jen McFarland
Leadership expert Jen McFarland shares why gratitude leadership is essential for business success and how you can apply it within your business.

Growing Your Team Podcast

Why Grateful Leaders Have Better Businesses: Why gratitude leadership is essential for business success, how you can apply it, and how to use your team to set and achieve strategic goals.

The Honest Uproar

Honest Uproar Podcast

Firecracker Jen: Join us as we discuss Jen’s experience as part of the Peace Corps, how being childfree has changed her relationships with friends, and about notable childfree women who have inspired her life.

Grow Smarter

How to Use Gratitude-Based Leadership to Grow your Business Smarter (Interview: Jen McFarland): Jen McFarland Joins us to share her insights on applying Gratitude-based Leadership, Strategic Project Planning, and DigitalMarketing to Grow your Business Smarter.

Ask Win

Jen McFarland: Jen sits down with Win Kelly Charles. This broad-based interview covers Jen’s Peace Corps in Kazakhstan, teaching and education, podcasting, and how we can support each other.

Marketing Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them) with Stacy Jones

Becoming an Effective Leader of a Successful Business with Jen McFarland: Stacy Jones sits down with the CEO of Women Conquer Business, Jen McFarland. The two discuss Jen’s three pillars for becoming a great business leader and little ways to distinguish yourself in the growing economy.

The EGGS Podcast

Jen McFarland Talks Podcasts and How to Run Your Business Efficiently: We had a great time exploring topics like time management, carving out productivity killers, and documenting and achieving goals.

Business & Life Conversations with Angela Henderson

Why Gratitude Makes You a Powerful Business Owner with Jen McFarland: Jen explains how surrender, gratitude, and abundance are all interconnected and how this can benefit our life and business in the most positive and powerful way.

Cultural Differences & Cultural Diversity in International Business

Jen McFarland on Equality and Being Ethno-Relative: Get Jen’s tips on being more culturally competent.

She Breaks Thru with Thembi Bheka

How to Achieve Your Business Goals with Jen McFarland: Jen discusses eliminating distractions and how to think through your ideas.

The Entrepreneur’s MBA

Conquer The World Of Business with Jen McFarland and Adam Kipnes: Jen talks about growing and pivoting businesses.

Tea Time with Tajuana

Jen and Tajuana Paige talk about why all women need a seat at the table. Jen talks about women-owned businesses, tech as a growth tool, and podcasting.

Business Owner Freedom

Jen and Gregory Gray talk about clarity, mindset, and successful projects. Jen outlines three types of leaders she often works with inside companies.

Word of the Week

UNFEIGNED. Jen chats with Liz Zirk about living with an open heart. Jen McFarland stops by and chats with being genuine.

Moving Forward Leadership

Jen and Scott McCarthy talk about leading change initiatives: Change is ever-present. If you are not changing, then you are not growing.

Word of the Week

SANGUINE. Jen and Liz chat about making up words and staying positive. Jen and Liz chat about being well-read, making up words, and staying positive.

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Guest Articles

Guest Articles

Why Unshakeable Belief is the Truth Behind Overnight Success, The Startup

How to Make Curiosity a Priority for Innovation, The Startup

This is How Your Business Succeeds: Vision, Reflection, Education, The Startup

His Awesome Journey Will Make You a Better Leader, The Startup

Why Authenticity Attracts More Clients, The Startup

What No One Tells You About Website Ownership, The Startup

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Media Mentions

Select Media Mentions

Creativity Published ~ No. 046
If you had told me when I started my business that I would fall in love with email marketing (and now copywriting), I would have thought you were nuts. It wasn’t that I didn’t like

Content Creators Planner

Your Lack of a Website Says Something About You and It’s Not Good, Jennifer Anastasi (blog removed)

Podcast: She was a pioneer in baseball business and civil rights, Bizwomen

5 Ways to Be a Better Leader Even if You’re Not the Boss, Lyndsay Montina

Digital Marketing Tips a topic at Rural Business and Innovation Summit 2019, Klamath Falls News

Juggling Launching a New Business and Full Time Employment, Grasshopper Blog

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