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What is Digital Transformation in Business: A Holistic Approach

If you’re looking for a path to take your business to the next level, it might be time for a digital transformation.

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Are you looking to stay ahead of the competition? Are you tired of feeling like your business isn’t stacking up with other companies? If you’re looking for a path to take your business to the next level, it might be time for a digital transformation.

This isn’t a trend. Digital is here to stay and the stakes are rising every day. 70% of companies either have a transformation strategy in place, or they’re working on one. It’s time for your business to get on board too.

Keep reading to learn more about what is digital transformation in business and how it can help you elevate your business strategy, not in a piecemeal fashion (as often happens), but holistically to ensure the best results.

Digital transformation  means reimagining your business, adapting it 
to the digital age.
Digital transformation means reimagining your business to meet emerging needs.

What Is Digital Transformation in Business?

Digital transformation refers to the transition of a company or other business entity towards online or digital means. For example, transferring documents to the cloud can be the start of optimizing business processes and enhancing service delivery (not to mention help you keep track of company documents!).

Boosting your business to the latest technologies can help streamline your operations and ensure that you’re operating from a more modernized business model. Many companies have started transferring over to online platforms simply out of necessity due to the digital age (your customers are there so you should be too).

However, digital transformation is more than just switching from paper documents to cloud computing. Approach digital transformation as a holistic, top-down, bottom-up business strategy and you’ll open the door to a full business transformation, delivering on internal and external needs efficiently and effectively.

Why Should I Look at Digital Transformation Holistically?

Viewing your business holistically can help you identify how digital transformation can truly help in every aspect of your business. There are multiple ways to make digital transformation amplify for your business and meet your goals.

Digital transformation shouldn’t just be a way for you to transfer your company’s inner workings to an online platform. Instead, it would be best if considered analyzing and optimizing everything, from your employees’ satisfaction to customer experience, existing technologies, operations, and business models.

Don’t trick yourself into believing that digital transformation is only for Fortune 500 companies. No matter how big or small your company is, you can and should take advantage of digital transformation benefits. Look at your business holistically make sure that you are doing the most for your company — not only to compete but to best serve your customers.

A holistic look at digital transformation may mean looking at the customer experience, technology, business model and operations.
Evaluate your business holistically to find opportunities to adapt to industry changes.

What Are the Benefits of Digital Transformation?

Evaluating your business and closing the digital gaps inevitably gives your company several advantages over other companies who may not be as advanced. It will also pay — literally.

The Altimer Group found the benefits of digital transformation include increased customer engagement and lead generation, improved customer satisfaction, and higher conversions to be among the top outcomes of making targeted shifts into digital.

That’s why it’s key to take a holistic and systemic approach to your digital transformation process.

Let’s look at how a holistic approach to learning what is digital transformation in business & how it can turn your business around and brainstorm some ideas for implementing digital transformation throughout your business.

Saving Time

Move documents to the cloud. Think about how amazing your employees and your customers will feel with a streamlined, automated process where they’ll always have the document they need, only a click away.

It’s estimated that we spend 6 weeks each year looking for documents. SIX WEEKS. Imagine eliminating time-draining processes like this with digital transformation.

Reduce regulatory risks. The cloud is more secure than you think. Platforms like Microsoft Azure focus on security and privacy, so much so they are FedRamp compliant. Imagine cloud-based databases with infinite backups, handling your company’s information. Goodbye outages due to weather. Many cloud-based systems have multiple, global locations.

Manual, repetitive, tedious, time-consuming tasks can often be automated so you or your employees can focus on what really matters — serving customers.

Digital platforms make all this possible, and more.

Collecting Data

If you’re looking to learn from your customers and build a strong customer database, then getting to know what is digital transformation in business is definitely for you. As your business processes become automated, you’ll be able to collect data automatically.

Are you wondering what your customers like or don’t like? Are you looking for an area of improvement?

Whatever you’re looking for, you can track anything and generate reports in seconds using an online database.

With this data, you can start down the path of continuous improvement. It’s difficult (if not impossible) to understand and adapt your business without collecting meaningful data to track progress toward your highest priority business goals.

Keep an eye on your customer behavior without driving yourself crazy. Make it easy and go with digital transformation.

Building Collaboration

Did you know that employees spend about two hours in a single workday trying to find internal information? (No wonder it adds up to six weeks a year!)

Leveraging sales data, customer experience data, and web/marketing analytics can help you and your team make decisions quicker, and with more information. However, it only works if the information is readily available in systems that track KPIs and kick out reports with essential information.

For front-line employees, image the time they’ll save if the CRM provides robust results.

Not to mention responding to customer needs online. Everyone expects a smooth, fast online experience. Give it to them. If you’re not sure where to start, ask your customers — they’re your biggest fans (then record it in your online systems so you can mine it later).

These tactics increase productivity, save time, and enhance the customer experience.

Bolstering Business

From the previously stated benefits alone, you should see how effective digital transformation can be for your business. All of the time, you save from organizing information online, and collecting customer data automatically allows you to focus more on building your brand and business as a whole.

You’ll have more time to work with customers, answer questions, advertise products, and make sales.

Setting aside this ‘extra’ time for your business will bolster your sales and other goals like never before. You’ll notice that everything is coming more easily for you and your team.

Digital transformation means taking the time to challenge assumptions, test how you deliver value, and change your organization.
Challenge > Test > Change, a high-level look at executing a digital transformation.

Who Can Help Me Conquer Digital Transformation?

After reading all about what is digital transformation in business and how to approach it holistically, it’s time to get started with your personalized strategy.

If you’re looking to use digital transformation to reach your business goals, talk to me. I can help you plan your strategy and meet your business goals quickly.

Feel free to send me a message to let me know what your goals are. Let’s get started!

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