... 'cause you haven't missed the final exam.

Does This Happen to You?
I swear to God twice a month I wake up in a cold sweat.
Why? Because I am SURE I enrolled in a college class, forgot about it, and now it's too late to drop it. 😱
As I'm approaching the door to beg them to let me drop the class. ... my eyes pop open. Every.Single.Time.
There is no class.
I'm not in college.
But... it takes a minute to remember.
Are You Riding the Waves of a Marketing Nightmare?
The same thing can happen with your marketing.
Here are a few symptoms:
- I should really promote my next [event, service, offer, podcast interview]
- Have I told anyone about my services ... ever?
- I keep meaning to schedule those networking calls...
- I don't want to seem too salesy (uh, brah, you're in business, sales is part of the game, yo)
What follows next is (likely) a wave of shame.
You beat yourself up instead of taking action.
... or you go on a last-minute social media spree. And wonder why it didn't work. ... we've all been there. …
Here's What to do Instead
What is your biggest business goal? ... for the quarter, year, etc.
Write it down.
Now. How are you going to promote it?
Not how you SHOULD... what are you going to do?
Write it down.
Schedule it in your calendar.
Track the results.
Does this sound overly simplistic? It’s NOT.
Here's the thing: you'll end the recurring marketing nightmare once you make marketing a priority.
It's like my nightmare. ... I prioritized fun over going to class and then paid the price by missing an important deadline.
If you never seem to have time, I suggest a time audit or considering whether you're in creating marketing roadblocks.
Get off the nightmare rollercoaster.
Trust me, it’s worth it.