Content Parties: Your New Best Friend
If you're in business, you're a content creator. Content parties are an easy way to have fun while planning your content.
Subscribe and explore previous trusted marketing advice newsletter written by Women Conquer Business Founder, Jen McFarland.
If you're in business, you're a content creator. Content parties are an easy way to have fun while planning your content.
Let's have an honest conversation about affiliate marketing, who it's for, and when/if you need to do it for your business.
A persistent social media marketing myth is that it's a sales channel. And, if it’s not working you need to do more. Let's debunk that junk.
Are you ready to spice up your Zoom meetings? Take better notes? Let's talk about the Zoom Marketplace!
Google isn't dying, but that are a few things small businesses need to watch.
You work hard to build your business. If your marketing strategy isn't delivering leads it's time for a review.
Make old content new again with content repurposing.
Social selling is the process of developing relationships as part of the sales process. Learn the good (and bad) ways this plays out IRL.
Tone down your marketing after a tragedy, leveraging LinkedIn, how to get comfortable on camera, and more.
Legit Issues vs. Stalling Tactics
Here's how to boost your open rate, so more people benefit from your expertise and offers.
This week's newsletter is a quick guide to attracting more attention with social comments. AKA why being social on social media works.